Sisters and Brothers in Francis and Clare, let us pray for healing for our brother, Harry Ford, OFS (February 10, 2025)
Sisters and Brothers in Francis and Clare, please pray for healing for our brother, Patrick Caughy, OFS. (October 29, 2024)
Holy Spirit, as you inspired St. Francis to become the instrument of Your Peace by seeking out the Sultan, so now together with St. Francis we ask You to convert the hearts of all who are involved in or support ISIS. That they become people of True Prayer, that though their True Prayer they become people of True Love that will lead them to True Peace. The Peace that is beyond all understanding, the Peace that Society cannot give.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory Be…
St. Francis… Pray for us
Mary, Queen of Peace… Pray for us
In Need of Prayer?
Life can be hard and, at times, we can feel overwhelmed and even alone. Part of belonging to a community of faith means having people, even people we don’t know, love and care about us. These are our sisters and brothers in faith and they are here to help each of us. One way they do this is by praying for us. Did you know there is an Archdiocesan Prayer Ministry made up of a diverse group of Catholic women and men waiting to lift our burdens before the Lord through prayer and to stand with us as we go through the trials of life?
About the Archdiocesan Prayer Ministry:
The Archdiocesan Prayer Ministry is made up of Catholics from throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore who are committed to prayer and to living the call to, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).
The Prayer Ministry is comprised of men and women, young and old, religious and lay, from every ethnic and cultural background representing the great diversity of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. They pray as individuals and as a group in homes, parishes and meeting spaces throughout our Archdiocese. Like you, these pray-ers are people who have suffered the same hurts, fears, pains, sickness, loss and everyday burdens.
After your prayer request is received, it is forwarded to the Prayer Ministry by the Archdiocese’s Outreach Coordinator. The prayer ministers will stand with you in prayer for God’s mercy, love, and compassion.